Irish Ferries
Depart Thursday 10th & Return Either Saturday 12th or Sunday 13th October 2024
Wine Tasting MiniCruise to cherbourg from €289
Travel to France direct from Dublin for on a Wine Tasting short break.

WHAT IS Included
Return Car & Passengers
Irish Ferries – Dublin Cherbourg on board WBYeats
Onboard Wine Tasting
Depart from Dublin Port on Thursday, October 10th at 1600hrs (latest check in 1500hrs)
Arrive into Cherbourg at 1130hrs the following morning
Depart from Cherbourg on Friday, October 11th at 1630hrs (latest check in 1530hrs)
Arrive back into Dublin at 1045hrs on the Saturday morning.
Depart from Cherbourg on Sunday, October 13th at 1630hrs (latest check in 1530hrs)
Arrive back into Dublin at 1045hrs on the Monday morning.
Car with 2 people (sharing a 4 bed inner cabin) - €289.00 (€144.50 per person)
Car with 3 people (sharing a 4 bed inner cabin) - €327.00 (€109.00 per person)
Car with 4 people (sharing a 4 bed inner cabin) - €373.00 (€93.25 per person)
Motorhome supplement - €40.00 per round trip
Ship: W.B. Yeats

To make your booking, send an email to clubdeals@irishferries.com quoting your code
RTCWINE and include the details below. Our team will make your booking and will respond
with reference number and details on how to confirm the trip.
- Name, date of birth and nationality for each person
- Do any passengers require special assistance
- Would you like to return on the 11th or 13th?
- Would you prefer an inner or window cabin
- Vehicle make and registration number
- A contact postal address
- A contact mobile phone number
Email Now
Bookings are subject to availability
Cannot be used with any other offers
Every passenger travelling required a valid passport. If you do not possess an EU passport,
then you will also need to make your own enquiries as to whether a visa is required to enter
For information on your allowances, please visit the link below:
We will be offering a complimentary onboard wine tasting with our friends at WBS – details on
the participants will be confirmed nearer to the departure time.